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Festival Viator

07 November 2022

Festival Viator

Minds, hearts and bodies on the Francigena routes of the south 

9th edition 2023

ALICE in concert in Molfetta on Aug. 26 (presale open), Shannon Anderson, Vincenzo Vasi, Franco Cardini, Annamaria Minutilli, Giuseppe Losapio and The Calixtinus Ensemble Vox Humana are the first confirmed guests of the festival that combines art with the fascinating world of pilgrimage and the pilgrimage ways.


Alice with a tribute to Franco Battiato on Aug. 26 in Molfetta (open active on the Vivaticket circuit), Shannon Anderson, Vincenzo Vasi, Franco Cardini and Giuseppe Losapio are the first confirmed guests of the Festival Viator Menti, cuori e corpi sulle vie Francigene del sud scheduled from July to December 2023 with appointments throughout the peninsula, starting in Puglia.


The festival, under the artistic direction of Giovannangelo De Gennaro and Michele Lobaccaro, has for nine editions combined art with the fascinating world of pilgrimages and paths, and this edition's appointments will feature artists, scholars and scholars of national and international renown.

The first confirmed events are July 28 in Monte Sacro - Mattinata (Fg) Shannon Anderson with "The long road home" In collaboration with FestambienteSud, July 29 Monte Saraceno - Mattinata (Fg) Vincenzo Vasi with "Levitazioni" In collaboration with FestambienteSud, August 26 Anfiteatro di Ponente - Molfetta (Ba) Alice with Eri con Me. Alice sings Battiato and on Sept. 30 september Basilica Madonna dei Martiri - Molfetta (Ba) Franco Cardini, Giuseppe Losapio, Annamaria Minutilli and The Calixtinus Ensemble Vox Humana with Jerusalem.


The musical events continue in October with:

- Sunday 8 October 

Museo Diocesano Molfetta h 20.30 / ENSELMBLE MICROLOCUS / Journey to Naples


- Sunday 15 October 

Bosco Scoparella in Ruvo di Puglia h 8.30 a.m. / Walk Concert with CANTO DI PIETRA / Rosalba Santoro / voice, guitar - Michelangelo Musci, guitar


- Saturday 21 October

Parco della Musica Molfetta h 20.30 / KOMITAS Piano Project / Francesco Di Cristofaro piano



Pugliautentica.it and Editrice L'immagine institutional partners of the Festival.


For information:


T 340 694 0282 / 333 423 4120 presale already active in the  Vivaticket.
