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Kurumuny Edizioni

SANTU LAZZARU e dintorni….

A journey of Songs and Religious Rites during the Holy Week of Salento from the Cutrofiano festivities.

The first celebration of Lu Santu Lazzaru was held on 23 March 1991 in a town square that became unexpectedly crowded with people. It was as if the string of an ancient memory had been tugged, waking a long dormant culture that still lived in the hidden folds of memory, and called the community together in a moving reawakening of a mythical and legendary past. These moving emotions were expressed through passionate participation and applause that came directly from the heart. The festival was held again the following year, in the very same way, in the churchyard of the Mother Church. Luckily, and due to a collective awareness, each new administration over the years has diligently continued the event, which today qualifies as one of the most important festivals celebrated during the Easter period.


Author: Antonio Melegari